Well, it's along the same lines of destressing and releasing tension. This is something I myself struggle with on a daily basis. I'm usually always on the go or doing something to keep me occupied. Perfect example being this blog I'm now into because I love being productive, helpful, using my time efficiently, and above all else I love interacting with other people! I'm one of those "social butterfly" types. During a 7 year stretch of my life I was constantly working two jobs; at first because I wanted to and then because I had to. I finally dropped down to one job at the beginning of 2013.
So you see, "relaxing" is a hard concept for me and I'm sure for some of you as well. The majority of people today have so many things to do and so little time. Isn't odd we've invented so many machines to make our lives easier, but we're still not getting everything we want accomplished?

With that being said... I'm off to relax a little myself after my arm challenge workout tonight and curl up with Robb Wolf!
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