Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Progress Report

I know I said I would update you all at 4 weeks, but I've been crazy busy at work (55 hour work weeks) and then family in from out of town. So, instead I'm going to post my 3 week comparison I did for my own benefit. I also wanted to give y'all a big thank you for following along with my journey and for starting your own! You keep me motivated every day just by following and I hope this blog is helping you stay motivated as well.

Keep in mind this is 4 1/2 weeks after I started being Paleoan:

I haven't been tanning, the lighting was just off on the second set of pictures. If you look closely (thanks to my arm challenge) my chest is starting to slim and lift, my stomach is starting to flatten, and my legs have a little more definition. Oh yeah that spider bite I told you about? You can see it there on the side of my leg! 

I hope this encourages some of you to start Paleo and stick with it! I'll post another set of pictures in a couple of months so you can really see a significant difference. I'm also getting a full blood work done, now that I've been Paleoan for a month and a half, just to see where my numbers are. James is down 20 lbs and I'll post another set of pictures of him at the next progress report as well.

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