Thursday, October 10, 2013

Arm Chalenge

I'm going to try doing pull-ups and dips for the next 30 days at the gym to tone my arms. So, you are free to try it with me 3-5 times a week, but I'll give you guys and gals a few options that you can use in or out of the gym.

For triceps use a dumbbell or the triceps weight machine with low weight (find out the max weight you can use for 10 reps that gives you a good burn, then divide it by two and use that weight). You'll do 3 quick sets of 15 triceps extensions. These quick, low weight reps are like cardio for your arms to help burn the fat and tone your muscles. Use this same method for your biceps.

Now your "armpit flab" (yeah you know what I'm talking about, that flab right next to your armpit that jiggles) you will need to do pull-ups, a lat pull down bar, or a seated row machine because it is the best way to work out your latissimus dorsi and teres major muscles to burn the fat off. You can buy a pull-up bar at any sports store and it shouldn't be too expensive. These are usually models that you can set up at the top of a door frame in your home. For assisted pull-ups use a chair until you get comfortable enough to do them on your own. Don't worry, if you can't get to the point without using a chair, you're still doing them and this is still great for your arms.

Good luck to all you challenge accepters!

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