News flash: most of these things you crave are processed and filled with additives that your body gets addictive to much like drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. I'm sure you're all dying to know what you can substitute for those things you love and crave:
- If you're an avid coffee drinking and love to pour on the creamer, use non-dairy coconut milk creamer. My go-to brand is So Delicious, and I can testify it is delicious! My favorite is the hazelnut.

- Ice cream lovers: So Delicious also makes a non-dairy coconut milk frozen dessert much like ice cream without the added sugar. If you love frozen creamy treats this is definitely for you! But if all you want is the sugar high from dairy ice cream then this is not a good substitute for you.

- Fruit is high in natural sugars and is great if you're someone who craves desserts and the sugar rush, but don't overdo it because fruit is also high in carbs.
- If you just can't live without cheese you can use almond cheese.
- Have a thing for popcorn and movies? Try eating pistachios instead.
- Candy lover? Dark chocolate (85% cocoa or better) is absolutely Paleo! We eat the Lindt brand because of it is the purest we've found as far as ingredients. Godiva/Ghirardelli is amazing, but it's more processed than you realize (compare the ingredients to Lindt).
- Spaghetti squash is a great fill-in for spaghetti noodles. (I'll be adding my personal recipe for this soon!)

I'm sure there are more I just haven't come across yet, but when I do I'll definitely post them for y'all! Paleo is an easy way to live if you just think outside of the box and past the food choices you've been molded into. Examples: Tacos- ditch the tortilla and make a taco salad, you still have all of the yummy fixings and can use an all-natural or homemade salsa as your dressing, Burgers: ditch the bun and use lettuce to make a burger wrap, French fries- although starches are not apart of Paleo eating, sweet potatoes are high in vitamins and are fine to have every once in a while (no more than once a week in my opinion) you can make baked sweet potato fries. I will be posting recipes on a separate page (link located at the top of my blog underneath the welcome message) for easy access.
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