Monday, October 7, 2013


Young and old, who doesn't like snacks?! 3 small portioned meals a day with 2 snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon) is a great way to keep your metabolism up and going throughout the day. Trust me, for the hangry animal inside, I highly recommend snacks to keep you feeling satiated and not hangry. For those who are unfamiliar with the term hangry, it is a state of being when you are so hungry you get angry and snippy with those you come into contact with. Unfortunately for those in my life, I definitely can be a hangry monster if I let myself slip on my snacks. I'm not sure why but those Snickers commercials don't lie; I'm not me when I'm hungry!

So I took the liberty of listing out a few healthy snack ideas for you guys:

  • Hard-boiled eggs (a great recipe that I used, being new to boiling eggs, is located here)
  • Nuts with fruit/veggies
  • Small portion of meat (3 oz) and a few veggies
  • Roasted Vegetable Medley (Check out my recipe page)
  • Small side salad with a few pieces of chicken/steak
  • Hard-boiled Egg Salad (Check out my recipe page)

I'm also working on a recipe page for the blog so that you can have quick access to them instead of having to pick through my blog posts. I should have it up by tomorrow morning :) Happy Paleo!

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