Sunday, October 13, 2013


Paleoan: [pa-leo-an] a person who eats only fish, lean meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts based on the preagricultural human diet in the Paleolithic era for health and wellness reasons.

But Michele paleoan isn't even a real word?! You're absolutely right; but when people ask me why I'm not eating dairy or bread, giving them the answer "I've changed to the Paleo diet" sends them into complete and utter confusion. They automatically assume I'm doing some extremely  ridiculous fad diet, but I'm not. Being paleoan is a lifestyle just like being vegan or vegetarian. Paleoan has a nice ring to it and it fits!

Try being paleoan for at least 30 days and see how you feel. What have you got to lose? You're dairy/grains/legumes? Trust me when I say you don't need them. You'll hardly even recognize they're missing from your diet. Why? Because they aren't good for you! To truly understand the difference between a westernized diet and the paleo diet you'll just have to give it a go. If for some reason it's just not a fit for your personal health and wellness you've only lost 30 days with your precious processed foods and that is just a little blip on your life timeline.

Benefits of taking this challenge:

  • I send out AP emails daily.
  • You'll look and feel more vibrant, energetic, and healthy.
  • Saving money on eating out.
  • Losing weight if you've taken to unhealthy eating habits.
  • Becoming more toned if you're already slim.
  • Improving your cholesterol, blood pressure, sugar levels, etc.

*Important notes: being paleoan is a lifestyle not a cult, so if you slip and have a cheat meal it's ok! Nobody is going to shun you for falling back on old habits. This challenge can begin you're ready, not just starting from the date of this blog post. Email me/comment for access to the paleoan AP emails. This is about you becoming the healthiest you possible, period.

I'm here to be your friend, to help guide you with my opinions and personal experience. I'm not a certified expert in nutrition or personal training, but I have done a lot of research and gained knowledge that I'm more than happy to share with y'all.

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