Monday, November 11, 2013

Blogger Info Alert!

Time for another "Behind the Scenes" with your friendly blog host: Me!

I have an exciting announcement I can officially post:
I have filed all the appropriate applications and paperwork to start going back to college to finish out my degree. But wait there's more; I'll be attaining a Bachelors degree in Nutrition with an emphasis in dietetics so that I can become a registered Dietetic Nutritionist!

Starting this blog has made me realize that nutrition and fitness is my ultimate passion. With a few little nudges and encouragement, I came to the decision to further my knowledge at a credible institution to be able to help more people with their health, wellness, and longevity.
*Special thanks to: my Mom, Nana, James (my other half), and most of all you readers/followers!

Another triumph I'd like to share relates back to an older post about my allergy to citrus (oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, mangos). Since detoxing my body from all the processed foods with additives and excess preservatives I tried an all natural mango/orange smoothie by Naked.

Results: no allergic reaction. I am so relieved and ecstatic to be able to add my favorite breakfast drink back on the menu after over a decade! The point in sharing this revelation with y'all is that what you put in your body is extremely important, so be sure to keep your eating healthy and clean.

Til next behind the scenes...

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