Thursday, November 7, 2013


Well, after 2 months of eating Paleo I've lost 17 lbs (don't forget though, muscle weighs more than fat & I've built some muscle!) and I'm down from a size 10 to a size 7!! I'm still going to wait to put up some more bikini comparison pictures but I wanted to show you my old size 10 pants for visual effect:

Sorry I couldn't find an old picture in these pants to compare... but here are 2 pictures of me before I started down my healthy road (just a few lbs shy of 200, if you remember from my behind the scenes post):
March 2011
August 2011
These were obviously not my finer moments in the picture taking world. But! I'm showing you these because I want you to understand that I've been there and I've come back from there, you can too!!

Strength and determination will help you meet your goals. Keep this in mind when you start out with any new lifestyle change to your diet, work out regime, or projects in general. Find what motivates you and stick with it. I find that having inspirational fitness pictures on my home and lock screen on my smartphone helps remind me to keep pushing forward. I also have a collage of inspirational fitness pictures framed and hanging in my closet where I can see it every morning. And I also have y'all!

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