Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Vegetarian/Vegan- Paleoan Style

I would just like to point out that the title of this blog post is technically an oxymoron. In most Paleo circles being vegetarian/vegan is looked at as an unhealthy, hippie diet choice (don't hate the messenger). However, I know some wonderfully angelic people who happen to be vegetarian/vegan so I wanted to do a post just for y'all!

Obviously you can't be full-fledged Paleoan because you're not going to eat meat and that's ok we'll dub you a Paleovege [Pa-leo-veg-e]. What I want to focus on is your intake of protein. It's low and we need to raise it up as much as possible while avoiding too many legumes. Tofu is a great option that I want you to try and incorporate into at least one meal a day.

Other great protein options:

  • Brussels sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach (like Popeye!)
  • Asparagus
  • Snap peas
  • Flax seeds
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Pistachios
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Lentils (Paleoans this is a legume so it's a big no for you, but for Paleoveges this has a lot of essential nutritients so we'll put it on the go list)
  • Peanut butter (Go for the all natural brand. Paleoans keep in mind this is for the Paleoveges only because they need protein too, but it is high in fats and carbs. Since Paleoans eat meat, that is where we get our fats and carbs.)
  • Quinoa (Paleoans this is a grain, so it's Paleoveges only on this one)
  • Pea/Hemp Protein Powder (use it for smoothies in the morning to jump start your protein for the day and I'll post a smoothie recipe for you soon)

Vegetarians this tip is exclusively for you: ditch the dairy! Oh yeah, I said it, ditch it. You don't need it, your body doesn't need it, and you'll feel healthier without it. Substitute it with coconut milk instead. I personally use coconut milk and absolutely love it.

You love your pastas right? Again: grains are harmful to you. Substitute your angel hair, spaghetti, egg, rotini, and whatever other noodles you're using for spaghetti squash. The consistency is remarkable close and it has better nutrients for your body. Here's another great switch out for you: wild rice is actually a grass not a grain! This is definitely on your menu, so use it up and avoid regular white or brown grain rice. I know you're big on your grain-carb intake, but tone it down. All those lectin proteins are working against you, not for you.

Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables! Add more into your meals. You're Vegetarians and Vegans so you're supposed to be eating a ton of vegetables. Focus more on adding vegetables into your meals than dreading giving up the dairy and most of the grains. This is a great opportunity for you to implement:

Spices are going to be your best friend in changing up the way your meals come together. Kick it up a notch and make it spicy or add some lemon to make it zesty! It's up to you because it's your kitchen and your meals so make it to your order. I hope this has given you some food for thought (I couldn't resist).

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