Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Very Paleo Thanksgiving

Wow, this year has really flown by! Thanksgiving is only a couple of week away and I wanted to give y'all
some Paleo options to choose from:

  • Turkey: baked or smoked, not fried!
  • Roast
  • Ham: baked or smoked, not fried!
  • Homemade cranberry sauce (my own recipe)
  • Mashed sweet potatoes
  • Wild rice (make sure to check the ingredients for added white/brown grain rice as it is a no-go)
  • Fresh green beans
  • Salad
  • Fruit salad
  • Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Bars (my own recipe)

For Thanksgiving this year we have 3 different meals to attend. Lifestyles of the split and unfamous families (Good Charlotte reference if you're a fan). However, our big get together with my Mom's side we have a mix of diets: Vegetarian, Paleo, and Western-American. Yikes! Sounds like a difficult spot to find something we all can enjoy, right? No! We are serving spaghetti, salad, homemade cranberry sauce, green beans, green bean casserole, rolls (not for the Paleoans), mashed potatoes (not for Paleoans), homemade salad dressing, and my very own creation of dark chocolate pumpkin bars. Our Vegetarian will get her spaghetti sauce before we add the meat and the Paleoans will have spaghetti squash instead of the pasta. A little non-traditional, but we make it work and we'll all be together!

Here is a link to other Paleo Thanksgiving ideas: Now it has some great ideas, but remember almond/coconut flour wasn't really hunted or gathered in Paleo times. If you want to stay strict Paleo I would stay away from any recipes that call for coconut/almond flour as well as any sugar, be it honey or agave. If you want to be a more modern Paleo eater go right ahead and use these things. Remember to only have small portions of these items because you don't want to make yourself sick since you don't normally eat these things.

I hope this has given y'all some great ideas for your Thanksgiving meals. Have a wonderful holiday!

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