Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Paleo Lifestyle DFW Team 5K!

Have you ever run a 5K? Do you want to check it off your bucket list? Ok it might not be on your bucket list, but how accomplished would it make you feel to complete a 5K? Don't worry, I'm giving you plenty of notice to get in shape to walk/jog/run a 5K. A 5K is 3.1 miles.

The Firefly Run is coming to Dallas on March 29, 2014 and the proceeds are benefiting the non-profit Children's Medical Center. It is a Saturday evening run so for any one who is not a morning person this is a perfect 5K for you!

With that being said, this is a great way to contribute to a wonderful cause and get some physical exercise in for your health and wellness! I'm putting together a Paleo Lifestyle DFW team (4+ runners) and invite anyone to join. Team registration is $30 per person til 1/5/14, then $35 til 3/1/14, late registration is $40 til 3/23/14, and super later registration up til the day of the race is $45.

I understand that it's hard to plan that far in advance for some of you, but I'm giving you the options of early registration for those who want to make the commitment and save some money. To register under the Paleo Lifestyle DFW team go to the Active website. When you choose register you will register under the Team Timed option, then after you fill out your personal info you will choose to join a team then search for Paleo Lifestyle DFW. We are registered under a fundraising team, but you do not have to donate if you do not want to!

Please try to get in some training with your physical exercise. You can walk/jog/run this 5K as it is for your personal benefit and accomplishment! I hope to see you there!!

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