Monday, April 28, 2014

Blogger Info...

Just thought I would give you guys a little behind the scenes look at what is going on in my life here in DFW beyond being Paleo:

As you have read James & I are engaged. Well guess what: We finally picked our venue & our date, May 16, 2015! Thank goodness because I was starting to get overwhelmed. Weddings are so much more expensive than I ever realized. Ladies, a word to the wise, start saving now regardless of whether you have a man or not! Trust me, by the time it comes around you'll be glad you did. Ours will be a big DIY wedding as that is currently the cheapest way around the price-gauging wedding industry of today's world. We're going with a vintage 50's theme with some glitzy thrown in. We're super excited about the potential of our theme, especially since we both love Frank Sinatra & that whole era! (It actually came up on our first date, LoL!) Luckily, I have 5 bridesmaids & a ton of family lending their helping hands for the many crafty projects that await us. In a couple of short weeks I get to go wedding dress shopping. Hopefully, I'll get to say "Yes" to THE dress!

My first semester back at college is coming to a close & not a moment too soon! But since I'm trying to make up for lost time I'll be right back to hitting the books in June for summer classes. Yikes! I'm blowing my speech class out of the water right now & next up on our agenda is a persuasive speech. What better topic to use than Paleo!? Especially since I have already invested so much time & energy into researching the topic on my own. I just finished reading Practial Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo, a Nutrition Counselor, & it was amazing! I highly recommend it to anyone starting out with Paleo. (It's list price is $39.99, but I've seen new & used copies on Amazon for cheaper.) I would go so far as to say this is a must have in a Paleo kitchen. She explains the science in layman's terms to help us non-biochemists understand the reasoning behind choosing a Paleo lifestyle. It also has some great recipes & 30-day meal planning guides that are easy to follow. After first reading The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolff, a biochemist, I was already convinced that a Paleo lifestyle was what I wanted to try. Robb's book was funny, a bit technical, but if you skim over the "geek speak" & connect with his story you'll learn a lot. Then Diane's book reeled me into the lifestyle even further by really teaching me the simple answers to my "why" questions. i.e. Why no grains/legumes/dairy? It wasn't over my head, I didn't feel the need to lie down & put a cold cloth on my head to help a headache, but it was straight to the point & had me nodding along in agreement because she tied all of the science in together to where it made sense. Bottom line: I know that leading a Paleo life is the healthiest thing I can do for myself in today's world.

During this Fall semester I'm going to take a weight training class! My hope for this class is to share what I learn with all of you & become more sculpted. I've currently been out of the gym for a month. I know- I fell off =( Not good Michele... but I'll be jumping right back on my horsey. I can give you a ton of excuses why I haven't been lugging my butt to that gym religiously. Truthfully, I originally missed a week due to working too much OT (20 hours in one week which made for a 60 hour work week) & trying to juggle school (6 hours in classes that week plus study time) so I literally didn't have time to hit the gym. Then, since I wasn't instantly seeing the results I wanted & I had been out of my gym habit, it made it easier to make excuses why I couldn't go. I've never said that I was perfect. In fact, I've mentioned several times that I'm just your every day woman sharing my experiences in hopes of helping other people. Well, here's your proof- I haven't been exercising like I should! I'm still my slim 150 lbs Paleo eating self though. Lucky for me I'm extremely dedicated to my Paleo lifestyle because I am in love with it! Now I just need to find a gym regime that I can fall in love with too.

Wow that was a lot about me to catch y'all up! Have a great week!

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