Sunday, April 6, 2014

Running with the bulls!

Oh yeah, I did it! On April 5, 2014 at Texas Motorplex in Ennis, TX I ran with the bulls & participated in a tomato fight. I ran two different times along side the bulls, but the second run was the best! After all the bulls had passed, my girlfriend & I grabbed hands to stay together in the pushy crowd while we were chatting up our experience. Then there was a commotion from behind us so we looked to see what was going on. Low & behold there was one bull who strayed from the pack (& my fiance later told me was bucking people along his way down the track) coming right at us! We dropped hands & run quickly in a Y shape to avoid the crazy bull. We missed the bull, but I didn't miss the cowboy on the horse trying to coral the bull down the track in the pen. The horse's chest & cowboy's boot collided with the back of my right tricep/shoulder area. Ouch!! I love my battle bruise though! Here is a video of our first run:

The tomato fight was insane!! I lasted maybe two minutes & didn't even get to throw one tomato. I may be brave & want to run with the bulls, but I pulled out my girly-girl card when it came time for the tomato fight. The tomatoes were all in the middle of the "outside arena" so when they let even start it was a mad dash to the center. We were three people from the front of the line & got trampled trying to get a tomato to throw. I had to help my girlfriend off the ground & try to avoid getting knocked down again. Then I was pelted a few good times with some tomatoes (got bruises for those too!) & I was done! It was just too much nasty for me. My fiance had a great time watching from outside the fence & even got to throw some tomatoes too.

There were also men in speedos who ran with the bulls & participated in the tomato royale fight. They were brave... because it was a cold & dangerous event for skivvies! They posed for us, but I was laughing so hard it was hard to take the best pictures. Here is a close up for you:

*A special thanks goes out to Monica for running with me, my fiance James & my Nana for supporting us, & Eric for joining in the tomato royale fight with us! It was cold & windy, but y'all braved it all just to make sure we were ok!*

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