Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fitness Journey...

One quote I've found that is extremely inspirational to me is: "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." - Zig Ziglar. 

I was definitely not great at eating healthy or exercising when I started my health & fitness journey back in 2011, but I started. 2 1/2 years later I can confidently say that I am great at healthy eating & still moving up the fitness ladder to be great in that aspect too!

Being fit & healthy is about finding the right diet & workout/exercise regime that works for you. Everyone's body is different & everyone has different needs & interests. If the good old fashion cardio machines-free weights gym isn't doing it for you then find a different alternative. Join a fitness meetup group in your area or join a nontraditional gym like a dance studio/MMA gym/pod gym/crossfit gym/curves circuit training gym, etc. You have to fall in love with your lifestyle, eating & physical activity alike, not battle with yourself every day to get it done. I myself have tried numerous fad diets, diet pills, & lose-it-quick workout programs. Nothing worked! It became my mission to find a healthy eating lifestyle & fitness regime that fit my personal needs. Paleo was suggested to me by my mom & I fell in love with the lifestyle. So much so that I am currently going back to school for my Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition. The fitness regime is that part I'm still working on, but I keep pushing forward day after day. Nobody is perfect, but you have to believe in yourself to take the first step in starting something new.

*Side note: if you noticed I labeled this picture "Before & Currently" because I'm not done yet. I'm working on a new me not because the current or old me is bad, but because I can improve.*

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