Just thought I would give you guys a little behind the scenes look at what is going on in my life here in DFW beyond being Paleo:
As you have read James & I are engaged. Well guess what: We finally picked our venue & our date, May 16, 2015! Thank goodness because I was starting to get overwhelmed. Weddings are so much more expensive than I ever realized. Ladies, a word to the wise, start saving now regardless of whether you have a man or not! Trust me, by the time it comes around you'll be glad you did. Ours will be a big DIY wedding as that is currently the cheapest way around the price-gauging wedding industry of today's world. We're going with a vintage 50's theme with some glitzy thrown in. We're super excited about the potential of our theme, especially since we both love Frank Sinatra & that whole era! (It actually came up on our first date, LoL!) Luckily, I have 5 bridesmaids & a ton of family lending their helping hands for the many crafty projects that await us. In a couple of short weeks I get to go wedding dress shopping. Hopefully, I'll get to say "Yes" to THE dress!
My first semester back at college is coming to a close & not a moment too soon! But since I'm trying to make up for lost time I'll be right back to hitting the books in June for summer classes. Yikes! I'm blowing my speech class out of the water right now & next up on our agenda is a persuasive speech. What better topic to use than Paleo!? Especially since I have already invested so much time & energy into researching the topic on my own. I just finished reading Practial Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo, a Nutrition Counselor, & it was amazing! I highly recommend it to anyone starting out with Paleo. (It's list price is $39.99, but I've seen new & used copies on Amazon for cheaper.) I would go so far as to say this is a must have in a Paleo kitchen. She explains the science in layman's terms to help us non-biochemists understand the reasoning behind choosing a Paleo lifestyle. It also has some great recipes & 30-day meal planning guides that are easy to follow. After first reading The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolff, a biochemist, I was already convinced that a Paleo lifestyle was what I wanted to try. Robb's book was funny, a bit technical, but if you skim over the "geek speak" & connect with his story you'll learn a lot. Then Diane's book reeled me into the lifestyle even further by really teaching me the simple answers to my "why" questions. i.e. Why no grains/legumes/dairy? It wasn't over my head, I didn't feel the need to lie down & put a cold cloth on my head to help a headache, but it was straight to the point & had me nodding along in agreement because she tied all of the science in together to where it made sense. Bottom line: I know that leading a Paleo life is the healthiest thing I can do for myself in today's world.
During this Fall semester I'm going to take a weight training class! My hope for this class is to share what I learn with all of you & become more sculpted. I've currently been out of the gym for a month. I know- I fell off =( Not good Michele... but I'll be jumping right back on my horsey. I can give you a ton of excuses why I haven't been lugging my butt to that gym religiously. Truthfully, I originally missed a week due to working too much OT (20 hours in one week which made for a 60 hour work week) & trying to juggle school (6 hours in classes that week plus study time) so I literally didn't have time to hit the gym. Then, since I wasn't instantly seeing the results I wanted & I had been out of my gym habit, it made it easier to make excuses why I couldn't go. I've never said that I was perfect. In fact, I've mentioned several times that I'm just your every day woman sharing my experiences in hopes of helping other people. Well, here's your proof- I haven't been exercising like I should! I'm still my slim 150 lbs Paleo eating self though. Lucky for me I'm extremely dedicated to my Paleo lifestyle because I am in love with it! Now I just need to find a gym regime that I can fall in love with too.
Wow that was a lot about me to catch y'all up! Have a great week!
Paleoan: [pa-leo-an] - a person who eats only fish, meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, seeds, & nuts based on the preagricultural human diet in the Paleolithic era for health and wellness reasons.
Welcome to my blog! The Paleo diet is a natural, whole foods lifestyle approach to the human diet.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Twitter & Facebook!
You can now follow my blog by email at the right of this blog post by submitting your email address & you'll automatically get an email each time I make a new post. I'm also branching out into more social media platforms to spread the Paleo Lifestyle DFW word! Want to be able to follow my blog instantly through popular social media sites?
Follow me on Twitter: @PaleoMichele
Check out my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/paleolifestyledfw
Follow me on Twitter: @PaleoMichele
Check out my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/paleolifestyledfw
Friday, April 25, 2014
"I can't afford Paleo"
I want to touch on the expense of living a Paleo lifestyle in diet & exercise alike as this has recently come up again. Eating all natural, whole foods is ideal for a Paleo diet; but if you can't find organic items readily available at a reasonable price or if the grass-fed meat selection is just too expensive for you then go with the commercial products. No they won't have as many nutrients, but eating commercial fruits/veggies/meats is better than eating prepackaged foods/grains/legumes/dairy.
When I first started eating healthier I was cooking more so I was buying more. It was definitely more expensive than I was used to since I never added up my fast food receipts, but that was because I didn't know where I could get the best deals. I did research on how to save money on grocery shopping. I came across a life saving book at Half Price Books (if you've never been here you're missing out!!) called The Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half by Stephanie Nelson for $3.99. You can also visit her website, CouponMom.com, to get some great information without buying the book.
The best advice I can give you is to price match. Use a notebook to track your items purchased & their prices. (I know it sounds like a lot of work, but if you go in with a list in hand you're more likely to stick to your list & not pick up random items that "look good." Therefore saving you money right off the bat without even writing down their prices!) Then visit different stores in your area to get familiar with the prices of their produce & meats. I set out on a mission to shop at each store around my neighborhood to see who consistently had the best prices. I also cut coupons so I was saving James & I about $15-30 a week which brought our weekly average to about $70. (That figure includes the "big ticket" items we occasionally have to buy when we run out like spices, teas, etc.) However, we were constantly stopping by the corner store for granola bars or snacks because we were overloading on carbs & burning through them so quickly that we were constantly hungry.
Then we started living a Paleo lifestyle & suddenly the coupons weren't for things I was buying anymore (besides toilet paper/paper towels). This is when my price matching came in handy from shopping at the different stores. I knew who consistently had the lowest cost of produce & meats. I'm lucky that I live in a big city where I have a ton of options to choose from, but in my area Sprouts has the lowest prices on produce & meats. Sprouts is a farmers market grocery store so I know for the most part I'm getting locally grown products (products from Mexico are considered locally grown here in Texas). Whole Foods & Market Street are great for specialty items like coconut milk, etc. that you won't find in most grocery stores, but they can't beat Sprouts's prices. James & I usually buy $20-$30 worth of produce that lasts us for a week. We buy most of our meats from the butcher counter & plan our meals around what's on sale for the best price! (This is where you'll save the most money! When you find "your" store make sure you check their online ads to see what is on sale that week & plan your meals around that as much as possible.) Our normal grocery bill now is about $90-$100 every week, but this includes breakfasts, lunches, dinners, & snacks so we are definitely get the most out of our money by shopping here. (That figure includes the "big ticket" items we occasionally have to buy when we run out like spices, teas, etc.) Our grocery bill may look like it has gone up since we made the switch to a natural, whole foods Paleo diet, but really it's been an even trade because we don't hit the corner stores anymore. However, I do want to point out that we are both students & live on a very tight budget so we do not buy organic or grass fed unless it is on sale. This is another big reason we shop at Sprouts since most of the produce is locally grown it is unlikely to have a high amount of preservatives.
*Also, if you just can't live without milk or cheese then choose grass-fed organic milk & cheese while trying to limit your intake as well. This should be an item you splurge on so put the higher cost into your budget if you absolutely can't live without.*
As far as working out goes, you do not have to pay for a gym membership to get your physical activity in. I choose to be a part of a gym because seeing others sweating it motivates me to push harder, there are classes I can take for free with my membership, & a swimming pool I can swim laps in if I want.
On the flip side, there are also a plethora of free options:
The bottom line is this, if you want to live a healthier lifestyle you will, but until then there is a wide range of excuses you can conjure up to justify why you're not doing it. If you're reading my blog then you've already taken the first step by getting informed. Get motivated, get inspired, find what works for you & get healthy! You can do this!!
When I first started eating healthier I was cooking more so I was buying more. It was definitely more expensive than I was used to since I never added up my fast food receipts, but that was because I didn't know where I could get the best deals. I did research on how to save money on grocery shopping. I came across a life saving book at Half Price Books (if you've never been here you're missing out!!) called The Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half by Stephanie Nelson for $3.99. You can also visit her website, CouponMom.com, to get some great information without buying the book.
The best advice I can give you is to price match. Use a notebook to track your items purchased & their prices. (I know it sounds like a lot of work, but if you go in with a list in hand you're more likely to stick to your list & not pick up random items that "look good." Therefore saving you money right off the bat without even writing down their prices!) Then visit different stores in your area to get familiar with the prices of their produce & meats. I set out on a mission to shop at each store around my neighborhood to see who consistently had the best prices. I also cut coupons so I was saving James & I about $15-30 a week which brought our weekly average to about $70. (That figure includes the "big ticket" items we occasionally have to buy when we run out like spices, teas, etc.) However, we were constantly stopping by the corner store for granola bars or snacks because we were overloading on carbs & burning through them so quickly that we were constantly hungry.
Then we started living a Paleo lifestyle & suddenly the coupons weren't for things I was buying anymore (besides toilet paper/paper towels). This is when my price matching came in handy from shopping at the different stores. I knew who consistently had the lowest cost of produce & meats. I'm lucky that I live in a big city where I have a ton of options to choose from, but in my area Sprouts has the lowest prices on produce & meats. Sprouts is a farmers market grocery store so I know for the most part I'm getting locally grown products (products from Mexico are considered locally grown here in Texas). Whole Foods & Market Street are great for specialty items like coconut milk, etc. that you won't find in most grocery stores, but they can't beat Sprouts's prices. James & I usually buy $20-$30 worth of produce that lasts us for a week. We buy most of our meats from the butcher counter & plan our meals around what's on sale for the best price! (This is where you'll save the most money! When you find "your" store make sure you check their online ads to see what is on sale that week & plan your meals around that as much as possible.) Our normal grocery bill now is about $90-$100 every week, but this includes breakfasts, lunches, dinners, & snacks so we are definitely get the most out of our money by shopping here. (That figure includes the "big ticket" items we occasionally have to buy when we run out like spices, teas, etc.) Our grocery bill may look like it has gone up since we made the switch to a natural, whole foods Paleo diet, but really it's been an even trade because we don't hit the corner stores anymore. However, I do want to point out that we are both students & live on a very tight budget so we do not buy organic or grass fed unless it is on sale. This is another big reason we shop at Sprouts since most of the produce is locally grown it is unlikely to have a high amount of preservatives.
*Also, if you just can't live without milk or cheese then choose grass-fed organic milk & cheese while trying to limit your intake as well. This should be an item you splurge on so put the higher cost into your budget if you absolutely can't live without.*
As far as working out goes, you do not have to pay for a gym membership to get your physical activity in. I choose to be a part of a gym because seeing others sweating it motivates me to push harder, there are classes I can take for free with my membership, & a swimming pool I can swim laps in if I want.
On the flip side, there are also a plethora of free options:
- Walking/Jogging/Running outside
- YouTube has at-home exercise videos
- bodyrock.tv is an at-home exercise video site
- Yoga poses you can look up on the internet
- Exercises using your own body weight i.e. pushups, planks, jumping jacks, toe touches, mountain climbers, etc.
The bottom line is this, if you want to live a healthier lifestyle you will, but until then there is a wide range of excuses you can conjure up to justify why you're not doing it. If you're reading my blog then you've already taken the first step by getting informed. Get motivated, get inspired, find what works for you & get healthy! You can do this!!
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Against the grain...
I've always marched to the beat of my own drummer so I'm used to people looking at me sideways when they don't agree with my lifestyle choices. Even some friends and family members have called me a "mess" or "weird," but I don't like to go along with the crowd so I make my own path. It's best explained that I'm a "Why?" person. I'm constantly asking this question in order to gain understanding & get to the root of things. I'm not going to get involved in anything just because someone said it was the latest & greatest, but because I turn to researching & learning about a topic first to make the best informed decision. Then I keep learning & researching. The same is true with my Paleo lifestyle & as I've said before anytime I get further understanding I'm going to share it with y'all.

I've had a plethora of people scoff & call me "crazy," a "fun-sucker," or a "villian" because I'm a strict advocate of the no bread/grains side of Paleo which seems to cause instant panic in people. I'm trying to help people live a life as long & healthy as possible. We've all seen our loved ones get sick & some with serious diseases (Diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc.). What if we could limit our potential to contract these diseases by changing our diet to exclude additives, preservatives, & chemicals to instead eat an all natural, whole foods diet? Wouldn't that be ideal?
So let's consider this:
A lifestyle diet eating food from companies who make conveniently packaged, chemically laden food products VS the all natural, whole foods Paleo lifestyle approach I've been blogging about?
Then ask yourself:
Who's really the "villian," "fun-sucker," or "crazy" entity here?
*Further information against grains*
Grain products also contain anti-nutrients called phytates. Phytates are nutrient blocking substances. For example, if you're eating a salad with leafy greens full of vitamins & minerals your body needs but you're also eating it with garlic bread, the phytates in the bread will block the nutrients in your salad from being absorbed & used in your body. YIKES! (click here to see my other informational post on grains) With all this information about grains hindering nutrients in our bodies it seems to be a no-brainer that we would leave them out of our diets. I know you love your bread & god forbid you couldn't make sandwiches anymore, but think outside the box on this one. Use romaine lettuce to create lettuce wraps for your sandwiches or burgers instead, for dip like hummus use cucumbers or carrots, & for those that love salsa & guacamole you can use it as dressing for a fajita salad. There are a tons of yummy & nutritious ways to enjoy the foods you love without grains. Good luck!

I've had a plethora of people scoff & call me "crazy," a "fun-sucker," or a "villian" because I'm a strict advocate of the no bread/grains side of Paleo which seems to cause instant panic in people. I'm trying to help people live a life as long & healthy as possible. We've all seen our loved ones get sick & some with serious diseases (Diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc.). What if we could limit our potential to contract these diseases by changing our diet to exclude additives, preservatives, & chemicals to instead eat an all natural, whole foods diet? Wouldn't that be ideal?
So let's consider this:
A lifestyle diet eating food from companies who make conveniently packaged, chemically laden food products VS the all natural, whole foods Paleo lifestyle approach I've been blogging about?
Then ask yourself:
Who's really the "villian," "fun-sucker," or "crazy" entity here?
*Further information against grains*
Grain products also contain anti-nutrients called phytates. Phytates are nutrient blocking substances. For example, if you're eating a salad with leafy greens full of vitamins & minerals your body needs but you're also eating it with garlic bread, the phytates in the bread will block the nutrients in your salad from being absorbed & used in your body. YIKES! (click here to see my other informational post on grains) With all this information about grains hindering nutrients in our bodies it seems to be a no-brainer that we would leave them out of our diets. I know you love your bread & god forbid you couldn't make sandwiches anymore, but think outside the box on this one. Use romaine lettuce to create lettuce wraps for your sandwiches or burgers instead, for dip like hummus use cucumbers or carrots, & for those that love salsa & guacamole you can use it as dressing for a fajita salad. There are a tons of yummy & nutritious ways to enjoy the foods you love without grains. Good luck!
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Running with the bulls!
Oh yeah, I did it! On April 5, 2014 at Texas Motorplex in Ennis, TX I ran with the bulls & participated in a tomato fight. I ran two different times along side the bulls, but the second run was the best! After all the bulls had passed, my girlfriend & I grabbed hands to stay together in the pushy crowd while we were chatting up our experience. Then there was a commotion from behind us so we looked to see what was going on. Low & behold there was one bull who strayed from the pack (& my fiance later told me was bucking people along his way down the track) coming right at us! We dropped hands & run quickly in a Y shape to avoid the crazy bull. We missed the bull, but I didn't miss the cowboy on the horse trying to coral the bull down the track in the pen. The horse's chest & cowboy's boot collided with the back of my right tricep/shoulder area. Ouch!! I love my battle bruise though! Here is a video of our first run:
The tomato fight was insane!! I lasted maybe two minutes & didn't even get to throw one tomato. I may be brave & want to run with the bulls, but I pulled out my girly-girl card when it came time for the tomato fight. The tomatoes were all in the middle of the "outside arena" so when they let even start it was a mad dash to the center. We were three people from the front of the line & got trampled trying to get a tomato to throw. I had to help my girlfriend off the ground & try to avoid getting knocked down again. Then I was pelted a few good times with some tomatoes (got bruises for those too!) & I was done! It was just too much nasty for me. My fiance had a great time watching from outside the fence & even got to throw some tomatoes too.
There were also men in speedos who ran with the bulls & participated in the tomato royale fight. They were brave... because it was a cold & dangerous event for skivvies! They posed for us, but I was laughing so hard it was hard to take the best pictures. Here is a close up for you:
*A special thanks goes out to Monica for running with me, my fiance James & my Nana for supporting us, & Eric for joining in the tomato royale fight with us! It was cold & windy, but y'all braved it all just to make sure we were ok!*
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Fitness Journey...
One quote I've found that is extremely inspirational to me is: "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." - Zig Ziglar.
I was definitely not great at eating healthy or exercising when I started my health & fitness journey back in 2011, but I started. 2 1/2 years later I can confidently say that I am great at healthy eating & still moving up the fitness ladder to be great in that aspect too!
Being fit & healthy is about finding the right diet & workout/exercise regime that works for you. Everyone's body is different & everyone has different needs & interests. If the good old fashion cardio machines-free weights gym isn't doing it for you then find a different alternative. Join a fitness meetup group in your area or join a nontraditional gym like a dance studio/MMA gym/pod gym/crossfit gym/curves circuit training gym, etc. You have to fall in love with your lifestyle, eating & physical activity alike, not battle with yourself every day to get it done. I myself have tried numerous fad diets, diet pills, & lose-it-quick workout programs. Nothing worked! It became my mission to find a healthy eating lifestyle & fitness regime that fit my personal needs. Paleo was suggested to me by my mom & I fell in love with the lifestyle. So much so that I am currently going back to school for my Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition. The fitness regime is that part I'm still working on, but I keep pushing forward day after day. Nobody is perfect, but you have to believe in yourself to take the first step in starting something new.
*Side note: if you noticed I labeled this picture "Before & Currently" because I'm not done yet. I'm working on a new me not because the current or old me is bad, but because I can improve.*
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
5K Success!
I know it's been a while since I've posted & I'm sure y'all are wondering how the 5K went. The results are in: out of 8 team members we had 6 finish & two get their best 5K times at 31:09 & 37:45 (which was mine, down from 46 minutes from my 5K last year). We all had a great time & more importantly the money was donated to Children's Medical Centers of Texas!
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