Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Years Resolutions!

It's time to make new resolutions for the upcoming year. Did you complete any resolutions from last year? If you didn't were they attainable or reasonable?

My resolutions for 2013 were to lose weight, become healthier, become more fit, to quit smoking, and to find a career I would love. Happily, I completed them all. I'm down a total of 20 lbs and 2 dress sizes, I've put on more muscle, I've lowered my mile time, I quit smoking all together (including the vapor), I'm going back to school to become a Nutritionist, and I got engaged! 2013 was a great year full of so many life changes.

That brings us to the New Year 2014! My resolutions:

  • Finish my core classes to attain my Associate's Degree of Science to transfer to the University.
  • Improve my 5K time from 46 minutes.
  • Flatten my stomach.
  • Put more time into my blog.
  • Pay off the majority of my debt.
  • Save for our wedding.
  • Read more books.
  • Learn to use my new sewing machine and complete a least 6 scratch projects this year.

*It is important to remember when you're making resolutions that your goals are attainable. If you set your goals too high and unreachable, you'll only discourage yourself instead of motivate yourself to achieve them. It's a brand New Year! You can do this!!

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