Ladies, this post is for you! I came across a recipe for homemade translucent makeup powder and made some of my very own and absolutely
love it! This will last you for at least a year and is so cheap to make compared to buying it already made with extra chemicals our skin doesn't need. So of course I wanted to share it with you!
- Organic corn starch (Found in the baking aisle) $3.49
- Organic green clay (Found in the facial beauty aisle) $5.99
- Organic cocoa powder (Found in the baking aisle) $4.99
- Organic Cinnamon (Found in the spice aisle) $4.49
- Updated 2-9-14, not pictured.
- Mix 1 part corn starch, 1 part green clay, a pinch of cinnamon, & a pinch of cocoa powder. If you need an extra tint to your powder add in an extra pinch of cocoa & cinnamon. (The cinnamon makes you smell delicious!)

I used 1 tbsp corn starch, 1 tbsp green clay, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 tsp cocoa powder since I have an olive tint to my skin. Here's what I came out with:
The ingredients are supposed to help absorb the oils from your skin and keep your skin clean! Obviously everyone's skin is different and you might have an adverse reaction, but I can attest that I haven't and it has been great. My skin was constantly breaking out because of oily skin (and touching my oily hands to my face) and now its finally starting to clear up. Good luck Paleoan women!
*Added Tip:* If you put a layer of milk of magnesia on as a base before you apply the powder it will stay all day (unless you wipe it off) because it works as an inexpensive makeup matte like the versions you find at the cosmetics counters in department stores. - As seen to your right: I put mine in an old hair gel container to keep it from drying out & a makeup wedge to apply it. Be sure to use a thin layer as it will look a little chalky if you over-apply it.
*Important note: The
only thing I would use corn starch for is makeup because ingesting it is not Paleo approved.
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