Saturday, January 25, 2014

Organic... why should you buy it?

Hey there Paleoan followers... I know it's been a while & I sure haven't been sticking with my resolution to work on my blog more. Ooops!! Hey, we're all human & we have other things going on. I've been working long hours lately due to the flu epidemic reeking havoc in DFW (I work in the A/R department of a corporate office of urgent care clinics) & I started classes this semester; so I really have been a busy woman. Enough about me.

I wanted to show y'all a video done by a child for a science fair project that shows the difference between "regular" vegetables & organic.

This is insane, right?? After seeing this why wouldn't you choose to shop for your produce at a farmers market and take organic options? Cancerous, literally! We really need to be more diligent than ever about what we are putting into our bodies. Technology has advanced so fast and so quickly that the effects are starting to be known & widely-spread due to social media.

I hope this helps you think twice before deciding to poison your body or the bodies of your loved ones with "regular" industrialized vegetables.

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