Friday, December 6, 2013

More Progress!

It's been 10 weeks since I originally took pictures to track my progress, but 12 weeks since I started eating Paleo. It's been a rewarding process not only for my personal health, but for my physical health as well. Judge for yourself:

These are real pictures, showing real results. Feel free to share this post/blog with your friends who want to try a human diet lifestyle that works. I used to be allergic to citrus, get sinus infections during the winter or catch every cold I came into contact with, be excessively tired, and my joints would swell up on me often. Since I've been a Paleoan these problems have corrected themselves. I know it sounds unbelievable and I thought the same thing when I was researching and reading other people's testimonies about living a Paleo lifestyle. 

Fortunately for me and my health it is absolutely true! I'm down to a size 6 and 152 lbs. I haven't been this small in 7 years! I feel amazing and I am constantly getting compliments about how glowing and fit I look. I couldn't be more satisfied that I decided to change my eating habits to a more healthy Paleo lifestyle. 

Follower Progress: I've had a number of you on my Paleo AP email group for some time now, and I'm proud to say y'all are making some great progress too! Now, I don't have any pictures to share because y'all haven't sent me any yet, but I'm sure sooner or later I'll have some to post up. A couple of you have started new workout regimes, another has lowered her blood lipids, and a few of you have lost some weight. Congratulations! I'm so proud of y'all.

I'm also super excited to walk/jog/run the Firefly 5K with everyone. I've been continuing to slowly lower my mile time at the gym, and James has made me a bet that he'll cross the finish line first. Ha! 

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