Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Years Resolutions!

It's time to make new resolutions for the upcoming year. Did you complete any resolutions from last year? If you didn't were they attainable or reasonable?

My resolutions for 2013 were to lose weight, become healthier, become more fit, to quit smoking, and to find a career I would love. Happily, I completed them all. I'm down a total of 20 lbs and 2 dress sizes, I've put on more muscle, I've lowered my mile time, I quit smoking all together (including the vapor), I'm going back to school to become a Nutritionist, and I got engaged! 2013 was a great year full of so many life changes.

That brings us to the New Year 2014! My resolutions:

  • Finish my core classes to attain my Associate's Degree of Science to transfer to the University.
  • Improve my 5K time from 46 minutes.
  • Flatten my stomach.
  • Put more time into my blog.
  • Pay off the majority of my debt.
  • Save for our wedding.
  • Read more books.
  • Learn to use my new sewing machine and complete a least 6 scratch projects this year.

*It is important to remember when you're making resolutions that your goals are attainable. If you set your goals too high and unreachable, you'll only discourage yourself instead of motivate yourself to achieve them. It's a brand New Year! You can do this!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tis the season!

To be tempted with sugary, processed, additive infected "treats." I know its hard to say no and you don't want to be insulting, but simply let the "treat" maker down easy by saying "It looks great! But I have to decline. I don't eat (insert "treat" here) because I chose a Paleo lifestyle that doesn't include it." I've gotten mixed responses of incredulity and admiration, but in the end I walk away without ingesting said "treat."

Its hard to put yourself out there to be judged by others for your life choices, which constantly happens on a daily basis anyway. I've had my fair share of the "judge and jury" types about choosing a Paleo lifestyle. Its great to be different, to have your own voice, and to make your own opinions. I'm sure we've all had our parents say to us at one time or another "if your friend went and jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?" Uh, no Mom and Dad because that's just stupid. When you're a kid its stupid because we don't want to die, but as an adult it takes on a whole new meaning of being your own individual who makes their own choices and doesn't follow the crowd. Thus, making it stupid because you don't want to be a follower.

Since going Paleo I've had my fair share of mixed sentiments ranging from respect and supportive to down right damning. Not only from strangers, but from coworkers and friends as well. Talk about a reality check. Every decision we make effects our lives in ripples and we may not see them right away, but they'll show up sooner or later. With that being said I'm currently reevaluating some of the people in my life as well as starting a new chapter with my secondary education. Ah!

So, soapbox aside, if you don't want to put yourself out there and decline these sugary, non-Paleo treats, then politely take one and excuse yourself to get a drink. You can give it away to someone or secretly throw it away. You don't have to eat it! I think a lot of us were raised to eat all of our food as a "waste not, want not" mentality, but this has caused a lot of us to overeat. Its ok to say no or to throw it out instead of eating it.

Speaking of being supportive, if you live in the south there is a delicious burger joint called Twisted Root and it just so happens they have a very yummy Paleo friendly option:
Burger in a bowl!! Just order it without cheese or croutons. Good. To. Go! Also, the sweet potato fries are amazing and not salted, but cinnamoned. Yes, they are sprinkled with yummy cinnamon as their seasoning. (This is not a paid advertisement, but a friendly suggestion from you Paleoan blog host. Visit the link above to find a location near you!)

*Behind the scenes update: Tomorrow is my birthday and I've been nicotine free for almost 2 weeks! Whoop, whoop, I did it! Another milestone accomplished this year. Thanks for the support y'all!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Organic makeup powder

Ladies, this post is for you! I came across a recipe for homemade translucent makeup powder and made some of my very own and absolutely love it! This will last you for at least a year and is so cheap to make compared to buying it already made with extra chemicals our skin doesn't need. So of course I wanted to share it with you!

  • Organic corn starch (Found in the baking aisle) $3.49
  • Organic green clay (Found in the facial beauty aisle) $5.99
  • Organic cocoa powder (Found in the baking aisle) $4.99
  • Organic Cinnamon (Found in the spice aisle) $4.49
    • Updated 2-9-14, not pictured.

  • Mix 1 part corn starch, 1 part green clay, a pinch of cinnamon, & a pinch of cocoa powder. If you need an extra tint to your powder add in an extra pinch of cocoa & cinnamon. (The cinnamon makes you smell delicious!)

I used 1 tbsp corn starch, 1 tbsp green clay, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 tsp cocoa powder since I have an olive tint to my skin. Here's what I came out with:

The ingredients are supposed to help absorb the oils from your skin and keep your skin clean! Obviously everyone's skin is different and you might have an adverse reaction, but I can attest that I haven't and it has been great. My skin was constantly breaking out because of oily skin (and touching my oily hands to my face) and now its finally starting to clear up. Good luck Paleoan women!

*Added Tip:* If you put a layer of milk of magnesia on as a base before you apply the powder it will stay all day (unless you wipe it off) because it works as an inexpensive makeup matte like the versions you find at the cosmetics counters in department stores. - As seen to your right: I put mine in an old hair gel container to keep it from drying out & a makeup wedge to apply it. Be sure to use a thin layer as it will look a little chalky if you over-apply it.

*Important note: The only thing I would use corn starch for is makeup because ingesting it is not Paleo approved.

Friday, December 6, 2013

More Progress!

It's been 10 weeks since I originally took pictures to track my progress, but 12 weeks since I started eating Paleo. It's been a rewarding process not only for my personal health, but for my physical health as well. Judge for yourself:

These are real pictures, showing real results. Feel free to share this post/blog with your friends who want to try a human diet lifestyle that works. I used to be allergic to citrus, get sinus infections during the winter or catch every cold I came into contact with, be excessively tired, and my joints would swell up on me often. Since I've been a Paleoan these problems have corrected themselves. I know it sounds unbelievable and I thought the same thing when I was researching and reading other people's testimonies about living a Paleo lifestyle. 

Fortunately for me and my health it is absolutely true! I'm down to a size 6 and 152 lbs. I haven't been this small in 7 years! I feel amazing and I am constantly getting compliments about how glowing and fit I look. I couldn't be more satisfied that I decided to change my eating habits to a more healthy Paleo lifestyle. 

Follower Progress: I've had a number of you on my Paleo AP email group for some time now, and I'm proud to say y'all are making some great progress too! Now, I don't have any pictures to share because y'all haven't sent me any yet, but I'm sure sooner or later I'll have some to post up. A couple of you have started new workout regimes, another has lowered her blood lipids, and a few of you have lost some weight. Congratulations! I'm so proud of y'all.

I'm also super excited to walk/jog/run the Firefly 5K with everyone. I've been continuing to slowly lower my mile time at the gym, and James has made me a bet that he'll cross the finish line first. Ha!