Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tough Mudder anyone?

There's an up & coming event here in the USA called "Tough Mudder." So what it is? The Tough Mudder website says: "Tough Mudder is a 10-12 mile (18-20km) obstacle course designed to test all-around strength, stamina, teamwork, and mental grit... It's not a race, it's a challenge." The obstacles are swimming through a vat of ice water before you get hypothermia, climbing over walls, walking planks, using Olympic rings to get from one side of a mud pit to the other, jumping over fire, monkey bars, carrying logs, walking on logs, crawling through mud while dodging electroshock wires, etc.

this event is supposed to push you to your limits, test your strength & weaknesses, & bring you closer together with others who love fitness; but is it safe? I personally know someone who completed the Tough Mudder & he survived! He challenged me to do the one here in DFW in October of this year. After doing some research (surprise, surprise) I've decided not to accept this challenge. I guess I'm just not "tough enough." I've run with bulls, but possible hypothermia... count me out! I don't want to live the Titanic in real life. It's your own decision whether you want to risk it, but Robb Wolf's advice is:

  1. What are your thoughts on the Tough Mudder events?
  2. Don't drink the water! Some folks are getting some gut bugs from...problematic water/mud obstacles.

So the answer to the safety question: no! There has a been a few deaths and many hospitalizations as well as the problematic water/mud (& just think of how many people have probably peed in it by the time you get in, yuck...) used in the obstacles as Robb Wolf has pointed out. Participate at your own risk! You have to sign a waiver of responsibility in order to run the race. Does that sound like it's safe? 

Mud & obstacle runs are becoming increasingly more popular so it is safe to assume they are pretty crowded. I've run a few 5Ks & if they are at all crowded like that then I can't see it being the least bit safe as there would be hardly any room for the race/obstacles. When that many people are crowded together it's hard to move & everyone is running over each other. I recently participated in The Great Bull Run here in DFW where it was overcrowded, full of people taking selfies, participants ignoring the race officials that the event was a little on the unsafe side. I was also trampled in the Tomato Royale following the race, but lucky for me I'm pretty spry & I climbed my way out. I had a great time & it was exhilarating, but I wouldn't do it again! If you want to push yourself to the limits then push yourself with a 5K, marathon, half marathon, triathlon, in the gym or at a bootcamp. Stay safe, stay healthy, & reach your goals!

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