My friend has been struggling with weight loss & has decided she wanted to be challenged. She's tired of being tired, feeling sick (frequent migraines, fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma, sinus infections, etc.), & overall she said she's tired of being "fat." In no way shape or form is my friend unattractive or obese, but she is a little heavy for someone her height.

I love her to pieces & I want her to be healthy so of course I enthusiastically offered my help & support! She doesn't want to go full Paleo, but has agreed to a gluten free diet I suggested. So I'm going to track her progress for y'all complete with some recipes she'll be using as well as what physical exercises we'll be doing. We've taken some before pictures & will be doing her before measurements tomorrow using the Paleo Lifestyle DFW measurement chart to the right.
I will also be joining my friend in her journey & will be tracking my own progress as we begin to focus more on lifting than cardio. I can't wait to share our 30 day results!
Exercises so far:
Dead lifts
Pull ups
Chest press
Core Leg Lifts (on the stand-up support machine)
5 minute Treadmill Warm-up
15 minute Elliptical Cool-down
We're alternating weight lifting for certain areas. Thursday we did legs, Friday we rested, Saturday I ran a 5K, today we did arms & core, & tomorrow we'll do legs again. We are focusing more on weight lifting than cardio. We spend about 1 hour & 15 minutes - 1 hour & 30 minutes in the gym each time so only 20 minutes of that accounts for cardio. We stick with 3 sets of 15 reps for each exercise. Building muscle will help shed inches & keep your body burning calories/fat throughout the day.