Sunday, June 8, 2014

The science in our diet...

Hey there Paleoans! It's been a while and boy have I learned a lot since my last post. I've been listening to various lectures on low glycemic diets, low carb diets, high intensity strength training, Paleo/Primal diets, etc. I wanted to share a lecture by Dr. Stan Lang that explains in detail how nutrition effects our bodies & why low glycemic diets like Paleo are extremely beneficial. It's a little lengthy, but if you're into seeking knowledge this will blow your mind!

Dr. Lang has put nutrition in a way anyone can relate too, regardless of their level of knowledge in nutrition. Everything we put in our bodies has a direct effect both positive and negative. Moreover, the science explained here is further evidence that a Paleo lifestyle (not a temporary diet) is optimal.

The greatest thing to remember about nutrition is you are what you eat!  I won't overwhelm you with the strength training information yet. Until next time...

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