Friday, June 13, 2014


I'm constantly asked questions about my Paleo lifestyle & wanted to cover a couple basic FAQ's for you today...

FAQ: What is Paleo?
The Paleo diet refers to the hunter-gatherer human diet of our Paleolithic ancestors. During this "cave man" period humans ate meat, vegetables, fruits, seeds, & nuts. 

FAQ: What do you eat?
Modern day Paleo diet followers mimic this same diet so postagricultural western foods like grains, dairy, & legumes are not eaten. Paleo diet followers also tend to stay away from most processed foods (things made in a factory & packaged).

FAQ: Is it hard to follow?
No it's not hard to follow! When grocery shopping stick to the outside aisles. Anything fresh is where it's at!

FAQ: What about when you're with Western Dieters?
Meat, vegetables, & fruits are in the western diet although most people don't eat adequate amounts of these. You can go to practically any restaurant and get a meat/vegetable meal. I would stick with gluten-free options, if you can, at restaurants as those will be the healthiest prepared meals.

FAQ: What is this blog intended for?
I'm using my blog to advocate living the best possible life you can by treating your body well. This means fueling our bodies by eating healthy, natural, wholefoods that it was designed for & to leave the processed, packaged foods alone. Now, I am not saying PLDFW is a cult & you can't have anything in a package ever, but I am saying that it needs to be severely limited. Since the inception of Paleo in my life I have maintained that it is a lifestyle not a cult or a diet. Human beings need to get back to the basics of nutrition as well as fitness. Back in Paleolithic times humans lived extremely active lives via hunting, fishing, foraging, lifting, moving, etc. & in today's modern times humans are mainly sedentary. This means it's up to us to get moving & incorporate some fitness. It doesn't have to be a stringent 6 day a week workouts, but at least some cardio 3 times a week would be a great start.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The science in our diet...

Hey there Paleoans! It's been a while and boy have I learned a lot since my last post. I've been listening to various lectures on low glycemic diets, low carb diets, high intensity strength training, Paleo/Primal diets, etc. I wanted to share a lecture by Dr. Stan Lang that explains in detail how nutrition effects our bodies & why low glycemic diets like Paleo are extremely beneficial. It's a little lengthy, but if you're into seeking knowledge this will blow your mind!

Dr. Lang has put nutrition in a way anyone can relate too, regardless of their level of knowledge in nutrition. Everything we put in our bodies has a direct effect both positive and negative. Moreover, the science explained here is further evidence that a Paleo lifestyle (not a temporary diet) is optimal.

The greatest thing to remember about nutrition is you are what you eat!  I won't overwhelm you with the strength training information yet. Until next time...

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Luscious Leg Workout

For the past few weeks I've been hitting it hard at the gym about 6 days a week. 3 times a week I do my leg circuit which consists of:

I've already started seeing a big difference in the definition of my legs plus the lift & build of my glutes! My challenge accepters, who have been hitting the gym with me on the regular, have also been seeing some of these benefits of my leg circuit. So, I wanted to share it with anyone who is getting tired of their own leg workout or just wanted a variation to add into their normal routine. Enjoy!