Saturday, February 22, 2014


I wanted to spotlight one of my friends who has been doing Paleo & Crossfit for about a month. Keep in mind she was already eating healthy & working out so going Paleo helped her drop some body fat & the Crossfit helped tone her muscles even more. Here are her results:

*Permission to use this photo from the owner was obtained & was solely given to Paleo Lifestyle DFW. Any misuse or duplication of this picture can result in legal action.*

There are tons of Crossfit gyms across the nation. Crossfit itself was started by Greg Glassman in 2000. I personally have not tried it, but my friend loves it. She says it's a great way to meet like-minded fitness people and it helps keep her motivated. Crossfit can be done in group classes or individually. From what I've seen the prices are much more expensive than an ordinary gym membership, but the results are in and Crossfit is great for strength training. It is based off of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) mentality where you are doing as many reps as fast as possible. The only downside I could see to this is possible injury, but the exercises can be scaled to any age/fitness level/resistance (as seen on the websites).

Just thought I'd throw it out there for anyone who wants to try something different than the ordinary gym!

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