Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ahh stress!!!

Yes, stress. We talk about it all the time, and it rules our lives! We all know it's bad for our health, but did you know when you're stressed you release a hormone called Cortisol? This is a big factor in your health and fitness. Cortisol builds your belly fat by releasing sugar and fats from your liver because your body thinks you're in fight or flight mode! Chronic stress is counterproductive to a healthy lifestyle.

Things to lower stress:

  • Get organized. Easier said than done right? Work one room at a time until you have successfully organized your home. Keeping it organized is much easier once everything has a designated place. This is more time efficient and keeps you from being stressed trying to find things or by cluttering up the energy in your living space which alone can cause stress. (This method can also be used at work.)
  • Using lavender oil or incense in your home or work space is shown to decrease stress.
  • Amethyst stones are also shown to decrease stress by placing them in areas where you need help calming your stress level. (Ex: desk at work, office at home, kitchen, etc.)
  • Yoga at least once a week is a great stress reliever and beneficial for your muscles after your week of workouts.
  • Get rid or limit exposure to people or activites that cause you stress! I know it's hard to cut ties; but if they are bad for your health, why are you keeping them in your life?
  • Time or lack thereof is a big cause of stress. This comes back to organization. Stay organized to give yourself more time to get ready for events/work or tackle the morning traffic so you're not rushing to get to work.
  • Effective communication or lack thereof can also be a factor in your stress level. Arguments, disagreements, and going along to get along can cause your stress levels to spike. Take a deep breath and collect your thoughts before communicating with anyone to avoid disagreements. Use the same method when talking to someone about plans you're not that interested in or plans you're trying to finalize.
In summation, reducing your Cortisol levels is entirely in your hands by reducing the stress in your life. Take a good look at this list and if there is anything or everything on it that you can relate to, please think about your health first and try to find solutions to your sources of stress. If these solutions don't work for you, ask someone you care about to help you find solutions. Nobody should have to sacrifice their health because of stress. This can affect more than just your belly fat such as high blood pressure, cardiac problems, etc.

Be sure to check out my Paleo Lifestyle Tips page!

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