Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Great workouts at home & for free!

Roku! Have you ever heard of it? It's a ever-growing phenomenon in TV. Most people now-a-days with the ever growing technology watch movies/TV shows/music/games on their computers/tablets/cell phones. With Roku you can stream these same websites (Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, Blockbuster, etc.) right onto your TV by plugging in the little Roku box.

My Mom & Step-Dad gave this neat little box to my fiance' James for Christmas last month. You can add 100's of channels to your channel list including Fitness! I discussed in a previous post that I'm a gym rat because I love the motivation of seeing the fit people around me, but on the weekend it's not where I want to be. I have tons of errands to run and just don't have 2 hours to devote to going to the gym (get ready time/workout time/shower & get ready again time)!

However, with Roku, I can play any fitness channel and get a great workout! Since I do cardio and weights during the week, I like to stretch out with Yoga or Pilates on the weekends. Besides the ease of at-home workouts, usually Yoga or Pilates class at the gym is at an inconvenient time for a day of errands (noon at my gym).

I wanted to share this little gem of a box with y'all in case you needed an alternative method for working out!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Children's Medical Centers of Texas needs your help!

Don't forget!! Paleo Lifestyle DFW is running/walking/jogging a team 5K on March 29, 2014! Details in a previous 5K post for those who want to join in at the team discount rate. This run is benefiting the non-profit organization Children's Medical Centers of Texas & we are doing a fundraiser in connection with our 5K.

Please feel free to donate to a wonderful cause to help the children even the $5 minimum for those on a tight budget (like myself) will go a long way. (Click the picture to take you to the fundraising site hosted by

Organic... why should you buy it?

Hey there Paleoan followers... I know it's been a while & I sure haven't been sticking with my resolution to work on my blog more. Ooops!! Hey, we're all human & we have other things going on. I've been working long hours lately due to the flu epidemic reeking havoc in DFW (I work in the A/R department of a corporate office of urgent care clinics) & I started classes this semester; so I really have been a busy woman. Enough about me.

I wanted to show y'all a video done by a child for a science fair project that shows the difference between "regular" vegetables & organic.

This is insane, right?? After seeing this why wouldn't you choose to shop for your produce at a farmers market and take organic options? Cancerous, literally! We really need to be more diligent than ever about what we are putting into our bodies. Technology has advanced so fast and so quickly that the effects are starting to be known & widely-spread due to social media.

I hope this helps you think twice before deciding to poison your body or the bodies of your loved ones with "regular" industrialized vegetables.