Roku! Have you ever heard of it? It's a ever-growing phenomenon in TV. Most people now-a-days with the ever growing technology watch movies/TV shows/music/games on their computers/tablets/cell phones. With Roku you can stream these same websites (Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, Blockbuster, etc.) right onto your TV by plugging in the little Roku box.
My Mom & Step-Dad gave this neat little box to my fiance' James for Christmas last month. You can add 100's of channels to your channel list including Fitness! I discussed in a previous post that I'm a gym rat because I love the motivation of seeing the fit people around me, but on the weekend it's not where I want to be. I have tons of errands to run and just don't have 2 hours to devote to going to the gym (get ready time/workout time/shower & get ready again time)!

However, with Roku, I can play any fitness channel and get a great workout! Since I do cardio and weights during the week, I like to stretch out with Yoga or Pilates on the weekends. Besides the ease of at-home workouts, usually Yoga or Pilates class at the gym is at an inconvenient time for a day of errands (noon at my gym).
I wanted to share this little gem of a box with y'all in case you needed an alternative method for working out!